Air Source Industries came to the rescue of a local cryotherapy business in their time of need. When their prior gas supplier left them high and dry, Air Source stepped up and saved the day.
The Problem
The cryotherapy company needed a prompt liquid nitrogen delivery in Los Angeles after their prior gas company cancelled their liquid nitrogen (LN2) order the day of their scheduled delivery. The cryotherapy company needs a steady supply of commercial grade liquid nitrogen to perform body cryotherapy. Needless to say, the cryotherapy client was in a bind as they need the liquid nitrogen to operate their business.
The company shared it’s always been a big hurdle for them to get reliable sources of liquid nitrogen. When the cryotherapy delivery was cancelled, the owner reached out to other liquid nitrogen suppliers in Southern California. He said he had multiple unsuccessful attempts to find timely gas delivery before he reached out to Air Source Industries.
The liquid nitrogen was going to be used for a high-profile cryotherapy industry insider. The insider has a portable cryotherapy chamber and does a body cryotherapy session every day. The customer did not want to disappoint their high-profile client by running out of liquid nitrogen.
The Solution
The cryotherapy business owner reached out to Air Source Industries by phone and our Customer Service Manager Daisy spoke with him regarding gas delivery service. He was super ecstatic we were able to work with his particular schedule and could deliver within 24 hours.
Daisy worked with the cryotherapy company to determine delivery needs, cylinder rentals, and service contract. The on-boarding process was straightforward and Daisy assured the business owner we would take care of his liquid nitrogen requirements including the vital liquid nitrogen delivery he needed ASAP.
Air Source Industries delivered the liquid nitrogen cylinders the next day after the owner reached out to us.
The Results
The cryotherapy client was over the moon to receive the liquid nitrogen cylinders in his time of need within 24 hours of his old gas company leaving him stranded without a delivery. He shared our driver was very pleasant as well when he delivered the compressed gas.
We delivered the liquid nitrogen in our new liquid nitrogen dewars. The customer was very impressed with the condition we keep our liquid nitrogen dewars. He made a special note to point out the quality of our cylinders in his delivery feedback. We take a lot of pride in the quality of our cylinders and delivering on time!
Thanks to Air Source Industries’ quick delivery, the cryotherapy business was able to continue offering their commercial grade services, preventing them from losing thousands of dollars in lost customer revenue. The cryotherapy owner said he will always call on Air Source Industries for their future liquid nitrogen service.
Air Source Industries came to the rescue for a cryotherapy company when their prior gas supplier left them without liquid nitrogen. We worked with the cryotherapy company to get them commercial grade liquid nitrogen delivery within 24 hours. The cryotherapy company was super relieved we provided their resupply and will turn to our company for future deliveries.
When your gas company misses a delivery or decides to raise your rates, Air Source Industries is your choice for reliable compressed gas deliveries. Our customers depend on us to provide the compressed gases that keep their business running. We’re proud of our 99.9% on-time record and offer next-business day delivery.
Contact us and let us take care of our compressed gas needs.