Air Source Industries Green Business Practices
The month of March is known for having lots of green. St. Patrick’s Day is widely associated with everything green. In observance, we are sharing our green and environmentally friendly business practices with the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
Reduce – Optimizing Gas Truck Delivery
We deliver gases to our customers all over Los Angeles and Orange County. With Los Angeles County being 4,751 square miles and Orange County being 948 square miles, it’s no small task, but we are committed to meeting all your compressed gas needs. We optimize our delivery routes so customers receive their gases promptly and help reduce our impact on the environment.
Green Delivery Practices
- Trucks are loaded once in the early morning to avoid return trips
- Plan efficient truck routes for deliveries by region, reducing fuel consumption
- Make multiple deliveries in the same geographic area.
- Drivers monitor local freeways to avoid idling in traffic as much as possible
- Drivers follow speed limits
- Saves gas
- Reduces truck emissions
- Quicker customer delivery times with optimized routes
- Reduces costs & keeps pricing competitive
Reuse – Cylinders
Our gas cylinders are high quality and built to last. Each cylinder can be used for many years and with our included regular maintenance, the same gas cylinders could be used by a business for decades. Our state of the art testing, maintenance and repair services keep cylinders in top working condition, allowing us to reuse them instead of entering landfills. This helps the environment and our customers who rent our cylinders for their medical, commercial and industrial business needs.
Recycle – Business Waste
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) calculated a nationwide recycling rate of 34.3 percent for their 2014 report. On average each American per day recycles 1.51 pounds out of the 4.40 pounds of waste1. There is still a long way to go to increase our country’s recycling rates, but we are happy to be a green facility. The Air Source Industries team is proud to do our part in recycling. We organize and recycle materials to be reused and serve our local Long Beach community.
We Recycle:
- Paper
- Cardboard
- Plastic
- Glass
- Metal
- Electronics
Recycling these items allows them to be turned into new items and keeps many materials out of landfills. Air Source Industries is glad to be part of the eco-friendly movement and hopes other companies follow similar practices.
Air Source Industries is committed to having green business practices that reduce the impact on our environment. We optimize our delivery routes for prompt delivery while reducing time on the road. We maintain high quality gas cylinders that are maintained and reused to help save the environment. The Air Source Industries team is proud to take part in environmental friendly practices and recycling.
Contact us today and we’ll share how our green business practices can support your business. Call our gas experts at (562) 426-4017 or get a gas delivery quote online.
1. EPA 2014 Report: Advancing Sustainable Materials Management: 2014 Fact Sheet